
Research and Development

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  • Research and Development

Our Goals

We are working on the development of attractive aluminum products and technologies!

Because aluminum is a lightweight metal that has excellent corrosion resistance and is easily recyclable, it is already used in a multitude of fields and has become indispensable in our lives. However, we are now working to extend those advantages even further to create new value for aluminum through the development of a wide range of products, such as rolled and extruded materials, as well as numerous other unique technological developments. Our research and development efforts in recent years have resulted in the creation of environmentally friendly aluminum products that meet the needs of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and carbon neutrality. Through these and other efforts, we will continue working together with our customers and partners to maximize the potential of aluminum and create additional innovative materials and new solutions. We believe that with our products and technical capabilities, we will produce a dream-filled future for everyone.

Fundamental and Elemental Technologies